(Diesmann, et, al., 1999) Synfire Chains

Implementation of the paper:

  • Diesmann, Markus, Marc-Oliver Gewaltig, and Ad Aertsen. “Stable propagation of synchronous spiking in cortical neural networks.” Nature 402.6761 (1999): 529-533.


import brainpy as bp
duration = 100.  # ms

# Neuron model parameters
Vr = -70.  # mV
Vt = -55.  # mV
tau_m = 10.  # ms
tau_ref = 1.  # ms
tau_psp = 0.325  # ms
weight = 4.86  # mV
noise = 39.24  # mV

# Neuron groups
n_groups = 10
group_size = 100
spike_sigma = 1.

# Synapse parameter
delay = 5.0  # ms
# neuron model
# ------------

class Groups(bp.NeuGroup):
  def __init__(self, size, **kwargs):
    super(Groups, self).__init__(size, **kwargs)

    self.V = bp.math.Variable(Vr + bp.math.random.random(self.num) * (Vt - Vr))
    self.x = bp.math.Variable(bp.math.zeros(self.num))
    self.y = bp.math.Variable(bp.math.zeros(self.num))
    self.spike = bp.math.Variable(bp.math.zeros(self.num))
    self.not_ref = bp.math.Variable(bp.math.ones(self.num))
    self.t_last_spike = bp.math.Variable(bp.math.ones(self.num) * -1e7)

  def int_V(V, t, x):
    return (-(V - Vr) + x) / tau_m

  def int_x(x, t, y):
    return (-x + y) / tau_psp

  @bp.sdeint(g=lambda y, t: noise)
  def int_y(y, t):
    df = -y / tau_psp + 25.27
    return df

  def update(self, _t, _dt):
    self.x[:] = self.int_x(self.x, _t, self.y)
    self.y[:] = self.int_y(self.y, _t)

    for i in range(self.num):
      self.spike[i] = False
      self.not_ref[i] = 0.
      if _t - self.t_last_spike[i] >= tau_ref:
        V = self.int_V(self.V[i], _t, self.x[i])
        if V > Vt:
          self.spike[i] = True
          self.t_last_spike[i] = _t
          self.V[i] = Vr
          self.V[i] = V
          self.not_ref[i] = 1.
# synaptic  model
# ---------------

class SynBetweenGroups(bp.TwoEndConn):
  def __init__(self, group, ext_group, **kwargs):
    super(SynBetweenGroups, self).__init__(group, group, **kwargs)

    self.group = group
    self.ext = ext_group

    # connections
    self.mat1 = bp.math.ones((ext_group.num, group_size))
    self.mat2 = bp.math.ones((group_size, group_size))

    # variables
    self.g = self.register_constant_delay('g', size=group.num, delay=delay)

  def update(self, _t, _dt):
    # synapse model between external and group 1
    g = bp.math.zeros(self.group.num)
    g[:group_size] = weight * bp.math.dot(self.ext.spike, self.mat1)
    # feed-forward connection
    for i in range(1, n_groups):
      s1 = (i - 1) * group_size
      s2 = i * group_size
      s3 = (i + 1) * group_size
      g[s2: s3] = weight * bp.math.dot(self.group.spike[s1: s2], self.mat2)
    # delay push
    # delay pull
    self.group.y += self.g.pull()
# Spike time group
# ----------------

class SpikeTimeInput(bp.NeuGroup):
  target_backend = 'numpy'

  def __init__(self, size, times, indices, need_sort=1., **kwargs):
    super(SpikeTimeInput, self).__init__(size=size, **kwargs)

    if len(indices) != len(times):
      raise ValueError(f'The length of "indices" and "times" must be the same. '
                       f'However, we got {len(indices)} != {len(times)}.')

    # data about times and indices
    self.idx = bp.math.Variable([0])
    self.times = bp.math.asarray(times, dtype=bp.math.float_)
    self.indices = bp.math.asarray(indices, dtype=bp.math.int_)
    self.num_times = len(times)
    if need_sort:
      sort_idx = bp.math.argsort(times)
      self.indices = self.indices[sort_idx]
    self.spike = bp.math.Variable(bp.math.zeros(self.num, dtype=bool))

  def update(self, _t, _dt):
    self.spike[:] = False
    while self.idx[0] < self.num_times and _t >= self.times[self.idx[0]]:
      idx = self.indices[self.idx[0]]
      self.spike[idx] = True
      self.idx[:] += 1
# network running
# ---------------

def run_network(spike_num=48):
  times = bp.math.random.randn(spike_num) * spike_sigma + 20
  ext_group = SpikeTimeInput(spike_num, times=times, indices=bp.math.arange(spike_num))
  group = Groups(size=n_groups * group_size, monitors=['spike'])
  syn_conn = SynBetweenGroups(group, ext_group)

  net = bp.Network(group, ext_group, syn_conn)
  net.run(duration, report=0.2)

  bp.visualize.raster_plot(group.mon.ts, group.mon.spike, xlim=(0, duration), show=True)

When external spike num is 51, there exists “synfire chain”.

Compilation used 0.0025 s.
Start running ...
Run 20.0% used 1.116 s.
Run 40.0% used 2.220 s.
Run 60.0% used 3.651 s.
Run 80.0% used 4.745 s.
Run 100.0% used 5.844 s.
Simulation is done in 5.845 s.


When external spike num is 44, the synchronous excitation disperses and eventually dies out.

Compilation used 0.0032 s.
Start running ...
Run 20.0% used 1.107 s.
Run 40.0% used 2.175 s.
Run 60.0% used 3.216 s.
Run 80.0% used 4.311 s.
Run 100.0% used 5.365 s.
Simulation is done in 5.365 s.
