(Joglekar, et. al, 2018): Inter-areal Balanced Amplification Figure 2

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Implementation of the figure 2 of:

  • Joglekar, Madhura R., et al. “Inter-areal balanced amplification enhances signal propagation in a large-scale circuit model of the primate cortex.” Neuron 98.1 (2018): 222-234.

import brainpy as bp
import brainpy.math as bm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from jax import vmap, jit
from scipy import io as sio
from functools import partial

class ThreshLinearModel(bp.NeuGroup): def __init__( self, size, hier, fln, inp_idx, inp_data, eta=.68, betaE=.066, betaI=.351, tauE=2e-2, tauI=1e-2, omegaEE=24.3, omegaEI=19.7, omegaIE=12.2, omegaII=12.5, muIE=25.3, muEE=28., noiseE=None, noiseI=None, seed=None, desired_ss=None, name=None ): super(ThreshLinearModel, self).__init__(size, name=name) # parameters self.hier = hier self.fln = fln self.eta = bp.init.parameter(eta, self.num, False) self.betaE = bp.init.parameter(betaE, self.num, False) self.betaI = bp.init.parameter(betaI, self.num, False) self.tauE = bp.init.parameter(tauE, self.num, False) self.tauI = bp.init.parameter(tauI, self.num, False) self.omegaEE = bp.init.parameter(omegaEE, self.num, False) self.omegaEI = bp.init.parameter(omegaEI, self.num, False) self.omegaIE = bp.init.parameter(omegaIE, self.num, False) self.omegaII = bp.init.parameter(omegaII, self.num, False) self.muIE = bp.init.parameter(muIE, self.num, False) self.muEE = bp.init.parameter(muEE, self.num, False) self.desired_ss = desired_ss self.seed = seed self.noiseE = bp.init.parameter(noiseE, self.num, True) self.noiseI = bp.init.parameter(noiseI, self.num, True) self.inp_idx, self.inp_data = inp_idx, inp_data # Synaptic weights for intra-areal connections self.wEE_intra = betaE * omegaEE * (1 + eta * hier) self.wIE_intra = betaI * omegaIE * (1 + eta * hier) self.wEI_intra = -betaE * omegaEI self.wII_intra = -betaI * omegaII # Synaptic weights for inter-areal connections self.wEE_inter = bm.asarray(fln.T * (betaE * muEE * (1 + eta * hier))).T self.wIE_inter = bm.asarray(fln.T * (betaI * muIE * (1 + eta * hier))).T # Variables self.re = bm.Variable(bm.zeros(self.num)) self.ri = bm.Variable(bm.zeros(self.num)) # get background input if desired_ss is None: self.bgE = bm.zeros(self.num) self.bgI = bm.zeros(self.num) else: if len(desired_ss) != 2: raise ValueError if len(desired_ss[0]) != self.num: raise ValueError if len(desired_ss[1]) != self.num: raise ValueError self.bgE, self.bgI = self.get_background_current(*desired_ss) def get_background_current(self, ssE, ssI): # total weights wEEaux = bm.diag(-1 + self.wEE_intra) + self.wEE_inter wEIaux = self.wEI_intra * bm.eye(self.num) wIEaux = bm.diag(self.wIE_intra) + self.wIE_inter wIIaux = (-1 + self.wII_intra) * bm.eye(self.num) # temp matrices to create matrix A A1 = bm.concatenate((wEEaux, wEIaux), axis=1) A2 = bm.concatenate((wIEaux, wIIaux), axis=1) A = bm.concatenate([A1, A2]) ss = bm.concatenate((ssE, ssI)) cur = -bm.dot(A, ss) self.re.value, self.ri.value = ssE, ssI # state = bm.linalg.lstsq(-A, cur, rcond=None)[0] # self.re.value, self.ri.value = bm.split(state, 2) return bm.split(cur, 2) def reset(self): if self.desired_ss is None: self.re[:] = 0. self.ri[:] = 0. else: self.re.value = self.desired_ss[0] self.ri.value = self.desired_ss[1] def update(self): tdi = bp.share.get_shargs() # E population Ie = bm.dot(self.wEE_inter, self.re) + self.wEE_intra * self.re Ie += self.wEI_intra * self.ri + self.bgE if self.noiseE is not None: Ie += self.noiseE * bm.random.randn(self.num) / bm.sqrt(tdi.dt) Ie[self.inp_idx] += self.inp_data[tdi['i']] self.re.value = bm.maximum(self.re + (-self.re + bm.maximum(Ie, 10.)) / self.tauE * tdi.dt, 0) # I population Ii = bm.dot(self.wIE_inter, self.re) + self.wIE_intra * self.re Ii += self.wII_intra * self.ri + self.bgI if self.noiseI is not None: Ii += self.noiseI * bm.random.randn(self.num) / bm.sqrt(tdi.dt) self.ri.value = bm.maximum(self.ri + (-self.ri + bm.maximum(Ii, 35.)) / self.tauI * tdi.dt, 0)

def simulate(num_node, muEE, fln, hier, input4v1, duration):
  model = ThreshLinearModel(int(num_node),
                            hier=hier, fln=fln,
                            inp_idx=0, inp_data=input4v1, muEE=muEE,
                            desired_ss=(bm.ones(num_node) * 10, bm.ones(num_node) * 35))
  runner = bp.DSRunner(model, monitors=['re'], progress_bar=False, numpy_mon_after_run=False)
  return runner.mon.ts, runner.mon.re


def show_firing_rates(ax, hist_t, hist_re, show_duration=None, title=None): hist_t = bm.as_numpy(hist_t) hist_re = bm.as_numpy(hist_re) if show_duration is None: i_start, i_end = (1.75, 5.) else: i_start, i_end = show_duration i_start = round(i_start / bm.get_dt()) i_end = round(i_end / bm.get_dt()) # visualization rateV1 = np.maximum(1e-2, hist_re[i_start:i_end, 0] - hist_re[i_start, 0]) rate24 = np.maximum(1e-2, hist_re[i_start:i_end, -1] - hist_re[i_start, -1]) ax.semilogy(hist_t[i_start:i_end], rateV1, 'dodgerblue') ax.semilogy(hist_t[i_start:i_end], rate24, 'forestgreen') ax.set_ylim([1e-2, 1e2 + 100]) # ax.set_xlim([-0.25, 2.25]) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.set_ylabel('Change in firing rate (Hz)', fontsize='large') ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)', fontsize='large') if title: ax.set_title(title)

def show_maximum_rate(ax, muEE_range, peak_rates, title=''): ax.semilogy(muEE_range[4], np.squeeze(peak_rates[4]), 'cornflowerblue', marker="o", markersize=12, markerfacecolor='w') ax.semilogy(muEE_range, np.squeeze(peak_rates), 'cornflowerblue', marker=".", markersize=10) ax.semilogy(muEE_range[3], np.squeeze(peak_rates[3]), 'cornflowerblue', marker="x", markersize=15) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.set_ylim([1e-6, 1e3]) ax.set_ylabel('Maximum rate in 24c (Hz)', fontsize='large') ax.set_xlabel('Global E to E coupling', fontsize='large') if title: ax.set_title(title)
def figure2B():
  # data
  data = sio.loadmat('Joglekar_2018_data/subgraphData.mat')
  num_node = data['nNodes'][0, 0]
  hier = bm.asarray(data['hierVals'].squeeze() / max(data['hierVals']))  # normalize hierarchical position
  fln = bm.asarray(data['flnMat'])

  # inputs
  ampl = 21.8 * 1.9
  inputs, duration = bp.inputs.section_input([0, ampl, 0], [2., 0.25, 7.75], return_length=True)

  # Fig 2B
  ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
  times, res = simulate(int(num_node), fln=fln, hier=hier, muEE=34, input4v1=inputs, duration=duration)
  show_firing_rates(ax, hist_t=times, hist_re=res, show_duration=(1.75, 5.), title=r'$\mu$EE=34')
  ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
  times, res = simulate(int(num_node), fln=fln, hier=hier, muEE=36, input4v1=inputs, duration=duration)
  show_firing_rates(ax, hist_t=times, hist_re=res, show_duration=(1.75, 5.), title=r'$\mu$EE=36')

def figure2C(): # data data = sio.loadmat('Joglekar_2018_data/subgraphData.mat') hier = bm.asarray(data['hierVals'].squeeze() / max(data['hierVals'])) # normalize hierarchical position fln = bm.asarray(data['flnMat']) # inputs ampl = 21.8 * 1.9 inputs, duration = bp.inputs.section_input([0, ampl, 0], [2., 0.25, 7.75], return_length=True) all_muEE = bm.arange(28, 44, 2) i_start, i_end = (round(1.75 / bm.get_dt()), round(5. / bm.get_dt())) @jit @partial(vmap, in_axes=(0, None)) def peak_firing_rate(muEE, fln): _, res = simulate(fln.shape[0], fln=fln, hier=hier, muEE=muEE, input4v1=inputs, duration=duration) return (res[i_start:i_end, -1] - res[i_start, -1]).max() # with feedback ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) area2peak = peak_firing_rate(all_muEE, fln) area2peak = bm.where(area2peak > 500, 500, area2peak) show_maximum_rate(ax, all_muEE.to_numpy(), area2peak.to_numpy(), title='With feedback') # without feedback ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) area2peak = peak_firing_rate(all_muEE, bm.tril(fln)) area2peak = bm.where(area2peak > 500, 500, area2peak) show_maximum_rate(ax, all_muEE.to_numpy(), area2peak.to_numpy(), title='Without feedback') plt.show()


sStrong = 1000 sWeak = 100 def show_multiple_area_rates(axes, times, rates, plot_duration, color='green'): t_start, t_end = plot_duration i_start, i_end = round(t_start / bm.get_dt()), round(t_end / bm.get_dt()) areas2plot = [0, 2, 5, 7, 8, 12, 16, 18, 28] for i, j in enumerate(areas2plot): ax = axes[i] ax.plot(times[i_start:i_end] - 100, rates[i_start:i_end, j] - rates[i_start, j], color) ax.set_xlim([-98.25, -96]) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', length=0) peak = (rates[i_start:i_end, j] - rates[i_start, j]).max() if j == 0: ax.set_ylim([0, 140]) ax.set_yticks([round(sWeak * peak, 1) / sWeak]) ax.set_title('Weak GBA') else: ax.set_ylim([0, 1.2 * peak]) ax.set_yticks([round(sWeak * peak, 1) / sWeak]) if i == 4: ax.set_ylabel('Change in firing rate (Hz)', fontsize='large')
def figure3BD():
  # data
  data = sio.loadmat('Joglekar_2018_data/subgraphData.mat')
  hier = bm.asarray(data['hierVals'].squeeze() / max(data['hierVals']))
  fln = bm.asarray(data['flnMat'])
  num_node = fln.shape[0]

  fig, axes = plt.subplots(9, 2)

  # weak GBA
  muEE = 33.7
  omegaEI = 19.7
  ampl = 22.05 * 1.9
  inputs, duration = bp.inputs.section_input([0, ampl, 0], [2., 0.25, 7.75], return_length=True)
  model = ThreshLinearModel(fln.shape[0],
                            hier=hier, fln=fln, inp_idx=0, inp_data=inputs,
                            muEE=muEE, omegaEI=omegaEI,
                            desired_ss=(bm.ones(num_node) * 10, bm.ones(num_node) * 35))
  runner1 = bp.DSRunner(model, monitors=['re'], )
                           plot_duration=(1.25, 5.),
                           axes=[axis[0] for axis in axes])

  # strong GBA
  muEE = 51.5
  omegaEI = 25.2
  ampl = 11.54 * 1.9
  inputs, duration = bp.inputs.section_input([0, ampl, 0], [2., 0.25, 7.75], return_length=True)
  model = ThreshLinearModel(fln.shape[0],
                            hier=hier, fln=fln, inp_idx=0, inp_data=inputs,
                            muEE=muEE, omegaEI=omegaEI,
                            desired_ss=(bm.ones(num_node) * 10, bm.ones(num_node) * 35))
  runner2 = bp.DSRunner(model, monitors=['re'], )
                           plot_duration=(1.75, 5.),
                           axes=[axis[1] for axis in axes],
                           plot_duration=(1.75, 5.),
                           axes=[axis[1] for axis in axes],
def figure3E():
  # data
  data = sio.loadmat('Joglekar_2018_data/subgraphData.mat')
  hier = bm.asarray(data['hierVals'].squeeze() / max(data['hierVals']))
  fln = bm.asarray(data['flnMat'])
  num_node = fln.shape[0]
  i_start, i_end = round(1.75 / bm.get_dt()), round(5. / bm.get_dt())

  # weak GBA
  muEE = 33.7
  omegaEI = 19.7
  ampl = 22.05 * 1.9
  inputs, duration = bp.inputs.section_input([0, ampl, 0], [2., 0.25, 7.75], return_length=True)
  model = ThreshLinearModel(fln.shape[0], hier=hier, fln=fln, inp_idx=0, inp_data=inputs, muEE=muEE,
                            omegaEI=omegaEI, desired_ss=(bm.ones(num_node) * 10, bm.ones(num_node) * 35))
  runner1 = bp.DSRunner(model, monitors=['re'], )
  peak1 = (runner1.mon.re[i_start: i_end] - runner1.mon.re[i_start]).max(axis=0)

  # strong GBA
  muEE = 51.5
  omegaEI = 25.2
  ampl = 11.54 * 1.9
  inputs, duration = bp.inputs.section_input([0, ampl, 0], [2., 0.25, 7.75], return_length=True)
  model = ThreshLinearModel(fln.shape[0], hier=hier, fln=fln, inp_idx=0, inp_data=inputs, muEE=muEE,
                            omegaEI=omegaEI, desired_ss=(bm.ones(num_node) * 10, bm.ones(num_node) * 35))
  runner2 = bp.DSRunner(model, monitors=['re'], )
  peak2 = (runner2.mon.re[i_start: i_end] - runner2.mon.re[i_start]).max(axis=0)

  # visualization
  fig, ax = plt.subplots()
  ax.semilogy(np.arange(0, num_node), 100 * peak1 / peak1[0], 'green', marker=".", markersize=5)
  ax.semilogy(np.arange(0, num_node), 100 * peak2 / peak2[0], 'purple', marker=".", markersize=5)
  ax.set_ylim([1e-4, 1e2])
  ax.set_xlim([0, num_node])
  ax.legend(['weak GBA', 'strong GBA'], prop={'size': 10}, loc='upper right',
            bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.2), frameon=False)
  ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, num_node))
  ax.set_xticklabels(data['areaList'].squeeze(), rotation='vertical', fontsize=10)

def figure3F():
  # data
  data = sio.loadmat('Joglekar_2018_data/subgraphData.mat')
  hier = bm.asarray(data['hierVals'].squeeze() / max(data['hierVals']))
  fln = bm.asarray(data['flnMat'])
  num_node = fln.shape[0]
  i_start, i_end = round(1.75 / bm.get_dt()), round(3.5 / bm.get_dt())

  # input
  ampl = 22.05 * 1.9
  inputs, duration = bp.inputs.section_input([0, ampl, 0], [2., 0.25, 7.75], return_length=True)

  @partial(vmap, in_axes=(0, None))
  def maximum_rate(muEE, omegaEI=None):
    if omegaEI is None: omegaEI = 19.7 + (muEE - 33.7) * 55 / 178
    model = ThreshLinearModel(num_node, hier=hier, fln=fln, inp_idx=0, inp_data=inputs, muEE=muEE,
                              omegaEI=omegaEI, desired_ss=(bm.ones(num_node) * 10, bm.ones(num_node) * 35))
    runner = bp.DSRunner(model, monitors=['re'], progress_bar=False, numpy_mon_after_run=False)
    return (runner.mon.re[i_start: i_end, -1] - runner.mon.re[i_start, -1]).max()

  # visualization
  muEErange = bm.arange(20, 52, 2)
  peaks_with_gba = maximum_rate(muEErange, None)
  peaks_without_gba = maximum_rate(muEErange, 19.7)
  peaks_with_gba = bm.where(peaks_with_gba > 500, 500, peaks_with_gba)
  peaks_without_gba = bm.where(peaks_without_gba > 500, 500, peaks_without_gba)
  fig, ax = plt.subplots()
  ax.semilogy(muEErange, peaks_without_gba.to_numpy(), 'cornflowerblue', marker=".", markersize=5)
  ax.semilogy(muEErange, peaks_with_gba.to_numpy(), 'black', marker=".", markersize=5)
  ax.set_ylim([1e-8, 1e4])
  ax.set_xlim([20, 50])
  ax.set_ylabel('Maximum rate in 24c (Hz)', fontsize='large')
  ax.set_xlabel('Global E to E coupling', fontsize='large')